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Based on the information provided, it appears that the text is a detailed examination of Shirley MacLaine’s career, including her debut in “The Trouble with Harry” in 1955, ongoing involvement in the film industry, relationships with co-stars, and specific instances of on-set conflicts. The text explores her collaborations with notable figures such as Clint Eastwood, Anthony Hopkins, and Deborah Winger. It delves into incidents like her experiences on the set of “Two Mules for Sister Sarah,” conflicts with Anthony Hopkins during “A Change of Seasons,” and tensions with Deborah Winger in “Terms of Endearment.”

Additionally, the text highlights a particular incident during an interview on “The Late Show with David Letterman” where her belief in reincarnation became a central point of discussion, leading to an awkward exchange between MacLaine and Letterman.

By hgm67

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