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Manuel Guerrero Aviña, a British-Mexican man detained in Qatar over alleged drug charges, claims he fell victim to a “honeytrap” operation orchestrated through the gay dating app, Grindr. According to Manuel’s family, he was lured into a meeting by an individual named “Gio,” only to be arrested by Qatari police upon arrival.

The circumstances surrounding Manuel’s arrest have sparked international concern, with human rights organizations denouncing his treatment during detention. Amnesty International has highlighted due process violations in Manuel’s trial, echoing fears that he may be targeted due to his sexual orientation.

While Qatari officials maintain that Manuel’s arrest was solely based on drug-related offenses, his family insists that he was framed and coerced into accepting false charges. Manuel’s brother Enrique alleges that Manuel was subjected to threats and intimidation while in custody, including being withheld necessary medication for his HIV condition.

family handout Two brothers smile at camera

The National Aids Trust has urged the UK government to intervene, citing serious health concerns arising from Manuel’s detention. Despite assurances from the Foreign Office regarding Manuel’s well-being, concerns persist over his access to proper medical treatment and legal representation.

Manuel’s case has reignited discussions about LGBTQ rights and safety in Qatar, with advocates highlighting the dangers faced by individuals like Manuel in conservative societies. FairSquare, a human rights organization, has raised alarms over the targeting of LGBTQ individuals through dating apps, emphasizing the need for greater protection and support for vulnerable communities.

By hgm67

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