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It can’t be an easy thing, growing up in the searing spotlight that comes with both of your parents being famous Hollywood stars.

Sure, you’ll likely never want for anything, and there are far worse environments to be born into, but for Dylan Michael and Carys Zeta Douglas, the children of Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones,, life has been pretty interesting to say the least.

The media has watched on with interest as Dylan and Carys have grown, with many wondering whether or not they would follow their illustrious parents into stardom.

Now, in the case of Carys at least, it appears we have an answer


Zeta-Jones herself has been open with her admissions that both of her children would follow her onto the big screen, or at least attempt to.

The 49-year-old told Hello! Magazine in an interview: “When they’re on stage, you want to look at them. And they’re interested in the craft. My son wants to do a Bachelor of Arts in theatre. My daughter wanted to be a paediatrician until she was five, when she decided acting was better.”

By hgm67

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