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Dolly Parton has done many amazing things in her career. She’s written and sung lots of great songs, given away over 100 million books to kids who need them, supported research for the COVID vaccine, and even made her own amusement park.

Now, as she goes back to the studio for a new album, she’s trying something really challenging: bringing back the members of Led Zeppelin. Dolly wants Robert Plant and Jimmy Page to join her in playing “Stairway to Heaven” on her new rock and roll album. Dolly is known for making things happen, so if anyone can make this reunion work, it’s her.


Dolly, usually known for her country pop music, is exploring a different style with this rock and roll album. The idea came up when she was nominated for the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Some people questioned if she was the right fit for a hall that celebrates rock music. Dolly agreed and decided not to accept the nomination, thinking there might be someone more deserving. Even though she was happy about the nomination, she felt she hadn’t “earned that right.”


By hgm67

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