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It’s become clear over the years that Mark Wahlberg is a man of faith.

Despite his fame and riches, despite the extraordinary career he’s created for himself, he cuts an inspirational figure off-camera. A family man at heart, he’s never been anything less than open about the importance of faith in his life.

Now, his life wasn’t always glitz and glamour. In fact, for a while he was headed down a dangerous path.

At 16 years old he was convicted of assault and theft after a convenience store robbery.

While in jail, Mark decided to turn his attention to his faith to help get him through and guide him onto a better path.


“I had to make the choice personally, and then I had to focus on my faith,” he told People

“And my faith has really allowed me to overcome a lot of things. And hard work. You know, nothing comes easy especially when you’ve got your back against the wall and you’ve got a lot going against you. But I wanted to prove to people through my actions, and not my words, that I was going to change.”

By hgm67

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