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Going through the loss of a family member is not easy, but to go through multiple losses at the same time is even more gut-wrenching. This Florida mom did not just have to bid farewell to her beloved daughter, but another person close to her heart was living through their last days as well.

Keep reading to know more about the details behind this gutwrenching photo.

Allyson Parker, a Florida mom, had to watch the most heartbreaking events unfold in front of her at the same time: losing her daughter and father at the same time. Just days before her daughter Braylynn Parker’s fifth birthday, the family was given some devastating news: she had brain cancer and did not have much time left. Doctors were unable to operate on her diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas tumor, and told the family that chemotherapy was not a viable option either.


The only option they had was radiation to slow the growth. A month later, the little girl’s condition took a turn for the worse, and this is when her mom, Allyson, took a picture that haunted many people.


After the family celebrated Christmas with little Braylynn, she was brought back to the hospital in the first week of January because of congestion. Doctors thought the little girl’s tumor might have a bleed and as her condition rapidly declined, the doctors had no choice but to give the family some heartbreaking news.

Her mother recalled the terrible moment, “Went downstairs to Starbucks…came back…doctor told us my little baby is basically braindead. She was responsive just a few hours ago…I don’t understand.”

By hgm67

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